026 2022320 Place an order

The Phillips foundation loan

The Phillips foundation loan

This entire venture is cancelled if we don’t manage to secure 3 to 4 hundred thousand euros within the next couple of days. That doesn’t seem like a lot in this crisis, but under normal circumstances it would take at least a couple of months as a social entrepreneur. We’re not a big corporation which is a good thing. We’re not in it for the money. We believe we can help fix the enormous shortage of medical supplies. As a flexible gutsy social entrepreneur, we might even be able to do it with some speed. But setting up a factory in three weeks does seem absurd. Luckily we have a great network of foundations and other parties to whom we reached out to.

We formulated a proper business case and the Phillips foundation was the first to bite. For the last two weeks they helped us think about raw materials and an expert provided us with knowledge on the technique and market. We’ve got a €100.000, now we just need 2 to 300.000 more.

Johan Blom and Jaap Stelwagen provide us with a daily update about the numbers. Because of our minimal prep time, we need to adjust our digits with every bit of new information.

A million masks sold!

A million masks sold. The demand is enormous. Due to the hustle and bustle today, I was unable to view my mail for two hours. Philips Foundation ordered for their five mobile units, I read. They build tent hospitals and rotate them through various hospitals, and for this, they need 1 million face masks. And Philips itself wants 150,000 masks for the technicians who maintain all the medical devices in the hospitals. That looks very good. In the business case,…

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The investment is in

Qredits let us know today that they’re going to support our project with a loan of €250,000. Unbelievable, they themselves said that they’ve never pledged such a large amount in three days. I feel like sending a message to our queen. In November 2017, queen Maxima visited the Refugee Company through the ‘Oranjefonds’. The visit was well prepared, but there were some un-directed moments when she asked me, “What do you need, how can I help you with my network?”…

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